Bethlehem Community Church

What Creates Real Unity

Bethlehem Community Church
Sermon Questions, Sunday, October 16, 2016Series: The Book of Philippians “GOD'S GREAT PROMISE”1.Read Philippians 1:3. How do you think Paul’s statement to the Philippian believers made them feel? In terms of application, what can we learn from Paul when dealing especially with fellow believers?2.Read Philippians 1:4. What is Paul saying here about prayer? What is one of the greatest ways you can love a person? Do you intercede often for other people? Why or why not?3.Read Philippians 1:5. What is Paul saying here? What does Philippians 1:5 say that we should be doing as believers? Are you actively doing this? Why or why not?4.Read Philippians 1:6. What is Paul saying here? Why is this an incredible promise God is making here to t