Bethlehem Community Church


Bethlehem Community Church
Sermon Questions, Sunday, November 13, 2016Series: The Book of Philippians Pastor Frank Wray“PERSPECTIVE”1. Why is perspective powerful?2. How do you generally see your circumstances? Positively or negatively? Why?3. Read Philippians 1:12-24. How do these verses contradict the prevailing theology in American Christianity?4. When “bad” or different circumstances happen to us, what is generally our cry?5. What questions or question does a mature follower of Jesus ask when facing a difficult circumstance?6. What two ways did Paul view his imprisonment positively? (See Philippians 1:12-13 again.)7. Do you see your present situation as an opportunity to advance the Gospel?8.How might your response to your difficult circumstances strengthen fellow believers? (Talk about John 12:24-25.)