Bethlehem Community Church

Where You Live Matters

December 04, 2016 Bethlehem Community Church
Series: The Book of PhilippiansPastor Frank Wray ‘WHERE YOU LIVE MATTERS”Top 11 values of the average American: (11 – 7 missing from audio)11.God, faith, religion10. Privacy9. Family; having children8. Patriotism/nationalism7. Volunteerism6. The American dream5. Working at a job you love4. Equal opportunity3. Enjoying a good marriage2. Individual freedom1. Having good healthSermon Questions:1. Read Philippians 1:27 (NLT) and 3:20. Where is the believer’s citizenship according to Paul?2. What are the Top 11 values of Americans? How many of these values drive your life?3. Read Luke 16:15. What do you think Jesus thinks of these 11 American values?4. What is God really interested in?5. Read Matthew 5:3-10. These are the values of a citizen of heaven. What are they (ie, discuss them)?A. Matt. 5:3 – the dependent heart (also compare Mark 10:13-15 with Mark 10:17)B.Matt. 5:4 – the broken heartC.Matt. 5:5 – the submissive heartD.Matt. 5:6 – the righteous heart (see also Jer. 2:13)E.Matt. 5:7 – the merciful heart (see also John 8:1-11)F.Matt. 5:8 – the focused heart (see also Phil. 1:21)G.Matt. 5:9 – the peaceful heartH.Matt. 5:10 – the courageous heart (see also Matt. 5:11-12)7. Where is your citizenship really?