Bethlehem Community Church

Traveling with Jesus, Seeking and Saving the Lost


Speaker: Perry Jones, Executive Director of the Capital City Rescue Mission
Traveling with Jesus, Seeking and Saving the Lost
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

A. The Sorry Sinner
        1.    His Place (v. 1)
        2.    His Position (v. 2)
        3.    His Plan (v. 3a)
        4.    His Problem Solved (v. 3b-4)
B. The Seeking Savior
        1.    The Awesome Call of Jesus (v. 5)
        2.    The Joyful Response of Zacchaeus (v. 6)
        3.    The Negative Reaction of the Crowd (v. 7)
C. The Spectacular Salvation
        1.    His Confession (v. 8a)
        2.    His Change (of Heart) (v. 8b)
        3.    His Contrition (v. 8c)
        4.    His Conversion (v. 9-10)
        Luke 18:25-27
        Romans 10:9-10, 13